12 October 2009


jace says i’m inconsiderate, but in reality i’m not. i’m just that one friend you have that just doesn’t give a damn what you think. i’m that friend that tells you the honest to god truth even when you don’t want to hear it. the truth hurts. i know that more than anyone. i mean, how does a seven year old child deal with the fact that his parents didn’t want him. that he was such an abomination that his parents left him in a crowded parking lot to fend for himself. maybe that’s why me and jace are so close, because of all the people i know, he’s the only one who can relate.

jace says i’m inconsiderate and i’m okay with that. jace, lo, and phil need that in their lives. they’re always running from the truth. so i make sure they hear it, even when they don’ won’t too, because if i can’t be honest with you, then how can you expect anyone else to be.

but here’s the thing. every time i ride a bus with my friends we play a game of spot the fag. i’ve never won once. hell, no one has ever won, but jace. he’s some kind of freak when it comes to spotting homosexuals, but i could win. i could win on any given Sunday, but i choose not to. i choose to keep quiet and to be considerate. because i am the greatest friend in the world, and if i have to be inconsiderate to be that, then so be it.

i know jace is gay. i’ve known for a while. i may look stupid, but trust me. i’m not. i’m glad people think i’m stupid though. i thrive on that it. they underestimate me and that’s the advantage i have. i’m not stupid, i’m not inconsiderate, and i know my best friend is gay, but guess what. i could give a flying fuck, cause jace is jace.
i just wished he would just tell me. but why would he. i’m just some inconsiderate fuck.


  1. Interesting. Now will there be a story for Lo and Phil as well?

  2. damn, ho. there will. phil is done. lo is in my head.
